2015 Governors Award for Design and Construction Excellence Launches with Focus on Innovative Residential Design.

Image: Governor’s Award Launch 2015 PIC 002 fltr Andrew Gibb, CASE Council; HE Governor Kilpatrick; 2013 award winner Neville Scott, Gordon Philip, CEO Cayman First; Richard Purdom, CCA Secretary
Her Excellency the Governor Helen Kilpatrick CB, in conjunction with the Cayman Society of Architects, Surveyors & Engineers (CASE) and the Cayman Contractors Association (CCA), launched the fourth national Governors Awards for Design and Construction Excellence in the Cayman Islands on 1st October at a well-attended industry event. The launch, sponsored by Cayman First, hoped to inspire industry members’ nominations for the Award and which also highlighted this year’s focus on residential design.
The Governor’s Award continues to encourage, foster and maintain innovation, sustainability and excellence in the Cayman Islands construction industry. The 2010, 2011 and 2013 awards submissions have been extremely high in calibre with last year’s winning design being the George Town Barcadere. The awards have become a badge of honour locally and the competition for them, high. Garth Arch, a member of the Governor’s Awards Committee, is looking forward to seeing the 2015 applications:
“We have been consistently impressed over the years by the high standards of the Awards shortlist and the committee felt that this year we should focus purely on residential design and construction. We are seeing recently some exceptionally beautiful and innovative residential builds and wanted the Award to reflect Cayman’s progress in this area, which we believe is nothing short of world-class.”
The 2015 Award programme has been supported by key players in the construction industry including Cayman National (main sponsor), Cox Lumber Co., Cayman First, AL Thompson’s Home Depot, CL Flowers and Sons, National Concrete and MC2 Design Group / REAL LIFE Magazine.
To nominate a candidate project for the Award, any member of a project team (including the developer) may submit the credentials of that project, large or small, for consideration. The submission deadline is 6pm, Friday 13th November and entries will then be short listed by a panel of judges and the Award-winning entry selected by Her Excellency the Governor. The judging will be based on the criteria of Design Excellence, Creativity and Innovation, Sustainability and the Environment, Value, Buildability and Cultural Response. The winner of this prestigious Award will be announced at an award ceremony at the Governor’s residence on the 3rd December 2015.
About CASE
CASE is the Cayman Society of Architects, Surveyors & Engineers. The Society coordinates the professional development within the Design and Construction industries in the Cayman Islands. CASE’s
main role is to advance the study of the Art and science of Architecture, Surveying and Engineering and allied professions in the Cayman Islands. www.casecayman.ky.
About CCA
The Cayman Contractors Association is a self-regulating body. It was formed in order to create uniform ethics for the construction industry; to provide assurance to potential clients that, if a CCA member was chosen to construct a project, the outcome would be successful. That standard continues today and CCA members, regardless of the size of their respective businesses, are regarded as Cayman’s most honourable contractors. Please visit us at www.CCA.ky.